Syscob Product Support
Syscob Support can be contacted by telephone on (03) 9731 0762 or by facsimile on (03) 9731 0742. Support is available on Monday through Friday, excluding public holidays, between 8AM and 5PM AEST. Use these contacts for questions related to installation of, use of or problems with the Syscob software.
Please be aware that Syscob is only a supplier of EDI software, but does not set the rules on what is required to be entered on the export documents. For questions regarding AQIS EXDOC rules please contact the AQIS Helpdesk. Similarly, questions related to the Customs ICS or the 1-Stop PRA system please contact the Helpdesk at Customs or 1-Stop. For the agency contacts please see the Resources on this web site.
Included with the Syscob applications is the eSupport wizard that will collect (fully auditable) information which is tailored to any, or none, of three classes of issues:
- Program Problems
- Printing Problems
- Communications Problems
Should none of the categories above apply, as when the issue is a question related to a planned configuration change, then simply leave the "problem" category boxes unticked to provide Syscob Support with current configuration information and state the question in the description box provided on the second page of the wizard. As the last action of the eSupport wizard it will create an archive of the information collected and send it via email to the Syscob Support staff.
For general email queries or advice please send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. They will endeavour to replay as quickly as possible; generally within an hour.